"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Friday, March 25, 2011

"You're being so nerdy and I love it!"

I have thought several times "I should start a blog," but always talked myself out of the thought that anyone would want to read what I have to say. Then I realized blogging is probably more for the person doing it than the people reading it. {So, if you're looking for something exciting you should probably stop reading now}Tonight I have had my first lesson in coding, html, css, and other terms that I don't remember at this point. I actually kind of...well...liked it. Stuart saw how engrossed I was, got really happy, and said "You're being so nerdy and I love it!"

 ...thank you, sweetie?


  1. Congratulations on your first blog post! It can be kind of intimidating to write at first but it gets easier. I am looking forward to keeping in touch with you and your family through your blog. You look fantastic!

  2. So happy you finally decided to go through with it!

  3. Hi Hannah!!! I just recently started a blog, too!!(www.where-the-green-grass-grows.blogspot.com if you'd like to follow) It's been really fun so far! Actually, April up there has been awful helpful to me as I've attempted this! :o) Have fun blogging!

  4. Does this work like facebook where you guys get notified when I comment? Well, if so, thank you for the encouragement! April, I love reading your blog and you are partly my inspiration (that will probably either weird you out or flatter you, but it's meant to flatter!). Sarah, I'm so glad you're blogging too! Stuart and I were just talking about you guys the other day and wondering how you were.
