"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Camden

Camden Leo was born on this day two years ago. He was a week late, which makes total sense to me now that I know his stubborn nature. But, with that stubbornness there is also joyfulness. Sometimes when we go to church it's almost as if the entire building lights up just because he is there. As we walk by,  expressions go from pleasant to gleeful. He has a way about him that brings happiness to those he is around. He runs everywhere. He is rambunctious. He is a monkey. He climbs on everything and gets into all of the things he's been told a dozen times not bother. But, he is sweet. Sometimes he'll give me a quick kiss as he passes by or just run to me and lay his head on my shoulder (only for a second though-- can't quit moving for too long). He loves his stuffed animal friends. He likes to pile them all up and sit in the middle. He is nurturing. He feeds them his snacks and sings "Bye Bye" to them ("Bye Bye Baby" is a lullaby we sing to him every night). He was born making car sounds. He loves to jump. He knows most of his shapes and some of his colors. I think this makes him a genius, but of course I'm a little biased. He smiles and laughs most of the day. He dances whenever there's music. He loves to take things apart. He loves to try to put them back together with a screwdriver. He pretends to blow a pitch pipe and then uses his hand to "lead singing." He says "Holju" when he wants us to pick him up. One time I accidentally closed his finger in the front door (I know, terrible mother award). Don't you worry, though. He hasn't let me forget it. When I scold him, he still holds his little finger up and says pitifully "doe."  He calls his Memommie "Meommie" and his Grandmother "Muddah." He loves fruit, nuts, yogurt, applesauce, and berries. He also loves cake, icecream, and candy, which he calls "teats" (treats). There are so many wonderful things about him and I feel so incredibly blessed to be his mommy. Happy birthday to our precious little boy. We love you!


  1. What a wonderful "celebration in words" of your little boy. Soooo cute! Thomas still says, "Can I hold you" when he wants to be held. I can also relate to his not being still very long. Happy Birthday Camden!

  2. I love it Hannah!!!! I think this is a wonderful way to chronicle your life with your family!!

  3. Haha...he sure has a lot of funny faces, doesn't he?? :o) Happy birthday, little Camden!!!

  4. Hi friend!!!!! I LOVE your blog!!! So excited!
